Galerie Old Chelsea, Chelsea, Quebec, Canada - ongoing
2019-17 (Selective)
Solo, Galerie Old Chelsea 2019 & 2017
The New Art Festival, Glebe, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Chelsea/Wakefield Studio Tour, Quebec
Eye Candy, Landsdowne Park, Ottawa
Prior Selected Exhibitions
Galerie Luz, Edifice Belgo, Montréal, Qc
Galerie Fontaine Art, Gatineau (Buckingham), Qc
McClaren House Art Gallery, Wakefield Qc
Galerie Linart, Cantley, Qc
Fredericton Museum Art Gallery, New York state, USA
Solo bibliothèque de Chelsea, Qc
Nuit Blanche Ottawa, Byward Market, Ont
ArtWorkZ gallery, Byward Market, Ottawa
La nouvelle scène, Ottawa
L’étonnement, Espace Debain, Aylmer, Qc
Galerie Outaouais, Gatineau, Qc
La Fab, Chelsea, Qc
TRACES Arts Visuels , 2017-2015L’Ange-Gardien Qc
CPAWS, National Art Gallery, Ottawa
Awards/Prix & Related
Best In Show, Symposium Gatineau en couleurs 2016, Gatineau
Best In Show, Kanata Art gallery, Ottawa 2014
Award of Excellence, Kanata Art Gallery, Ottawa
Award of Excellence, NFAL, Centrepoint Gallery, Ottawa
Artwork on CD "Outside I'm A Giant" (band) 2018
Member's Choice, NFAL, Centrepoint Gallery, Ottawa
Val des Monts, Art purchase, Qc
SNC Lavallin Art Collection given by Canada